On Challenges - It's Just Like Riding a Bike - Los Gatos Personal Trainer

So before my weekend at the phenomenal Trek Dirt Series mountain bike camp in Los Gatos, I spent the vast majority of my time on only a few trails. Remember, this personal trainer liked working out but was still intimidated by the bike and the unknown challenges of each newly introduced trail. My husband Drew used to ask me all the time if I wanted to try a new trail, and most of the time I said “No, I'd like to get better at this one for awhile.” He's quite patient, and knew that it had to be my idea to branch out. You see, he's met me before! He knew that until I felt confident on the inside, his desire for me to step outside of my comfort zone would most likely backfire into a miserable ride for the both of us. Patient? Yes. Supportive? Yes. Self-preserving? Probably!

On an unfamiliar trail or mountain, neither my bike nor I know what's around the next bend. I can't be confident that I know everything that is about to happen. I have no idea if what lies ahead of me is going to be easy or hard, familiar or uncharted territory, safe or dangerous, simple or scary. I can, however, be confident in some basics.

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Overcoming Obstacles - It's Just Like Riding a Bike - Los Gatos Personal Trainer

On the trail, and in daily life, we face obstacles. At The New Basis personal training studio in Los Gatos, we help men and women daily in their fight to conquer their obstacles and achieve their goals. I recently had an entire weekend with the Trek Dirt Series and learned so much about riding! Even more importantly, I got to practice conquering obstacles (over and over) and learn about myself in a profound way.

Where do obstacles come from? Sometimes obstacles jump out and surprise us, and sometimes they start out small and get bigger and bigger as we get closer. Have you ever noticed that the more you focus on the obstacle, the bigger it gets? The more times you attempt and fail, the larger the obstacle seems. The bigger the obstacle, the less conquerable it becomes, right? My nemeses on the mountain bike have always been switchbacks and uphill obstacles like rocks and roots. I went into the weekend mountain biking camp with a hope that I'd learn something about them and get a little bit better. A hope . . . but my expectations were pretty low and my belief that I'd conquer them were even lower. Why? Because of all the times I heard how to navigate them, tried to follow the instructions, doubted my abilities . . . and failed.

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Seek Help - It's Just Like Riding a Bike - Los Gatos Personal Trainer

I've had all these ideas tumbling around in my head after a great weekend of learning and growing at the Trek Dirt Series in Los Gatos.  Instead of trying to write the perfectionist's "term paper" that sums everything up with a beautiful introduction, well-planned middle and killer conclusion with references, I realized that there was just too much to share.  In light of that, I'd love for you to join me in the journey as I share some life lessons from my time in the saddle.

In the two day span of my first mountain biking camp, I was seriously stretched both physically and emotionally.  My personal goal the first morning of camp was to learn a couple of things that would make me a better partner for my husband to ride with.  I knew that would take lots of instructions and practice on switchbacks and obstacle riding (and facing some fears) so Drew didn't get stuck riding fire roads with me for the rest of our life.  And while those were good goals, I didn't totally want to be there.  I knew it was going to be hard, and I wasn't sure I was ready for it.  Let's just say that I'm glad the money was spent months before.

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Tennis Players: Feeling Pains and Getting Injured? 


Have you experienced injuries or pains during tennis matches, lost focus or maybe even had to retire the match?  I have, and it is very frustrating!  After something like a pain or injury happens, it's extremely difficult to really focus on the game.  Even if you try to ignore it, you'll probably unintentionally compensate for the injured area and play differently, so you are most likely to mishit the shots.   

I was very excited to watch Mutua Madrid Open’s final a few weeks ago because Kei Nishikori, a Japanese tennis player, was fighting against World #1 player Rafael Nadal (known as the “King of Clay”).

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