Los Gatos Personal Trainer - Fear


Not a new topic for me, or you I’m guessing.  I’ve talked about how fear held me back – all kinds of fear (of failure, of success, of letting go, of taking a chance, of losing something or someone, of everything)!

It’s not an easy thing to overcome.  Like on onion with layers and layers, once I mastered some portion of fear, it seemed like there was a new and deeper layer to deal with. Letting go of fear in order to keep moving, improving life and making a difference is a constant process, but I’m getting better!

A couple of weeks ago, I was curious about a new goal outside of the walls of The New Basis.  I didn’t want to set that new goal, just curious if it’s something I could do next year if I felt like taking the leap . . . next year.

So let me back up a bit. 

Last October at an amazing fitness business conference called Mega Training in Florida, I had such amazing inspiration from fitness business owners across the globe and dreamed of someday being like them.  Case Study Presenters, Rookie of the Year, Most Improved, Member of the Year, etc.  At one point I leaned over to my husband and said “Next year, Rookie of the Year. . .”  And I laughed, because the thought was quite absurd ~ a total pipe dream, not a real goal.  Who was I to think that I'd be ready to be considered "good enough" to be noticed?  I had just left my day job and took a huge risk to start my own business, and we were on a trip to the East Coast to rub shoulders with the best.  Was I crazy for choosing this path?!?  There was SO much work to be done, and I already felt behind.  I took comfort at least in knowing that these other business owners had started out somewhere themselves, and they’re thriving.  I will be too, later . . .


At the end of the conference this presenter had us write goals on one side of a board, write down the things that might get in the way of smashing those goals on the other side, and then had us walk up (in public) and break boards with our hands.  It was scary but manageable with the right instruction and some positive peer pressure of others doing the same thing next to me.  What an amazing sense of accomplishment!


So remember that new goal outside of the walls of my training studio?  That was filling out the NPE Rookie of the Year application.  All I wanted to know was how long can I be in business to count as a “Rookie” so that I could apply after my business grew NEXT year.  And from the encouragement of one of my amazing mentors and coaches Stacy when I expressed curiosity about NEXT year’s application, I decided to take a small step and apply this time around.  Really, I know she encouraged me to apply so that I would look back and realize how much amazing growth there had been this past year. 


This time, it was me, by myself to deal with my fear without a room of peers doing it alongside me.  The thought of putting myself out there was shadowed by concerns like “I haven’t done that much, made huge strides, conquered all my giants, faced all of my fears, fixed all of my shortcomings, implemented everything I need to.”  But really, what could I expect after having the studio doors open for only six months?!?  Can you see where fear concerns sometimes lack truth in the perspective?  We can really be our own worst critics, can’t we?


So while I knew my fears weren’t rational, I decided to have courage and practice faith.  You’ll hear me say that phrase a lot, as it’s one of the most important life lessons I can share as I continue to learn and grow in those skills myself.  I said YES to the challenge of applying for Rookie of the Year, this year instead of being a wallflower and waiting until “I was better” or “I had arrived” (arrived at Rookie sounds a bit funny, doesn’t it?).  As I was writing out my application of all that’s happened and we’ve accomplished this year, I was amazed and thankful for the opportunity to look back at how things have been working together.  And that is why my mentor told me to apply THIS year, I’m sure, so that I could look back and be thankful and proud of how far I’ve come.  So true that hindsight is 20/20.


I did it!  I looked back and analyzed everything, shared everything and am proud of everything.  This year has been trying, but exciting and I’m a better person for it.  Wow, what a difference a day makes!


Applying was representative of how we handle life.  How often do we tell ourselves that we’re not good enough, can’t compare or can’t do something?  How often do we avoid risks because of what might happen?  How often do we make choices out of fear?  How many people stay the same day after day and year after year, always wondering “what if” and missing out on the good that is out there for them?  


Last Friday I found out I had been chosen as North America's Rookie of the Year 2014 for fitness business owners.  WOW!  What an incredible honor bestowed upon me.  I guess the growth I saw in my business and my life was big enough for others to notice as well.  What an awesome confirmation that I'm on the path I'm supposed to be on, and that others believe in me too!


So today, I’m done.  I’m done letting things like fear hold me back!  I am capable, confident, and stronger than I ever knew possible.  And here’s how that’s going to change my focus moving forward.


1) I will love and care for the people in my life as much as I possibly can, focusing on who and what is important.


2) I will do everything I can to make this world a better place by making a difference in the lives of everyone I come across, even in the little things.


3) I will say YES when fear strikes and know that I am strong and capable TODAY - not just in a year from now, when I'm better, when I have every last answer and it all figured out! 


My mission is to support and empower people to live their best lives – to help them embrace change rather than fear it, to overcome, and to be the best version of themselves they can be – mentally, physically, and emotionally.  The New Basis is the engine for my life’s mission.  What we do is so much bigger than working out or losing weight.  It is transforming, and after the week I’ve had, you better get ready because we’ve only just begun!


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